Friday, March 26, 2010


Enough people have inquired, so I'm going to reserve a small corner of the worldwide web for MacKenzie. Or, at least, MacKenzie's popular antics. I will try to update every day, or every other day, or as often as MacKenzie does something odd, or funny, or beyond her years. Which should be about every day. I don't expect a lot of people to read here, but I am excited about sharing without worrying about being fettered by character limits!
Thank you for you being touched and amused (although no one seems to be as exhausted or exasperated) by my silly daughter's self.
Here's to the future!


  1. Fantastic! I'm so glad you're doing this!

  2. THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!! Zee-isms make my day! I am so excited that you started this. Let the fun begin!

  3. Love my daily dose of Zee! The both of you crack me up and it does a heart good to laugh so hard each day! Blessings to you!!
